Don’t let cold weather stop you from enjoying a comfortable motorcycle ride! Simply use the following strategies to stay warm, even when the temperatures drop.

For more tips or to explore motorcycles for sale, check out the selection at Windy City Motorcycle Company. We are located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Chicago, Illinois, and Detroit, Michigan. We also proudly serve those throughout Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois.


One of the most important preparations you can make for cold-weather riding is to pick the right riding gear. Riding gear isn’t just important because it keeps you safe. It also helps to keep you in good enough shape to safely control your bike. If your arms, feet, and hands are frozen cold, you’ll have a much harder time riding.

A single-piece riding suit is one of the best pieces of gear to invest in if you think you’re going to be riding in cold conditions regularly. The advantage of a full-body riding suit is that it protects you from all sides without any seams or gaps in coverage.

It’s also helpful to invest in some serious, waterproof, fully-insulated riding boots. Your hands and feet are the parts that will be most likely to get cold because they’re the thinnest extremities.


Cold wind and precipitation will drop your core temperature in no time at all, but a deflector can really help to mitigate those effects.

For smaller bikes, a simple clip-on deflector can make a difference. If you’re riding for long distances on a cruiser or touring bike, a full windshield might be the best approach. Some bikes also use mid-frame deflectors, which help to protect the legs. The more cold air you can redirect away from your body, the better.


Simply deflecting the cold wind and keeping yourself insulated might not be enough for really cold temperatures. When that’s the case, you might want to invest in some heaters. Heaters usually come in one of two forms.

Chemical heaters are an inexpensive solution that comes in disposable pouches which can be slid into boots or gloves.

Boot heaters will help to keep your feet toasty warm. More expensive models are usually electric and run-off rechargeable batteries. Some riders prefer electric heater vests to help keep their core temperature up. Hand warmers and heated gloves are always helpful, too.

Hydrate and Stay Fed

If you don’t stay on top of your health, you could be setting yourself up for some big problems. If you don’t eat before you ride, you’ll have a much harder time keeping your body temperature up. Because riding is a physical activity, it’s extremely important to stay hydrated, too.

Whether you need maintenance help or to buy your next motorcycle, the experts at Windy City Motorcycle Company are here to help. Contact us or visit one of our dealerships today. We are located in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Chicago, Illinois, and Detroit, Michigan. We also proudly serve those in Southern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois.